Kristine’s Priorities
Kristine Kraus’ Priorities

Early Childhood Education
As a preschool teacher for 18 years, Kristine knows the importance of early childhood education. Learning starts at birth and Pre-K programs are critical to ensure children are experiencing socialization and support school readiness – especially reading. That’s why Kristine is committed to increasing enrollment in the Voluntary Prekindergarten program right here in Seminole County.
Parental Involvement
The relationship between parental involvement and student success cannot be understated. We must grow our mentoring and dividends program to support the achievement of all students.

More Teaching, Less Testing
Kristine believes that an emphasis on standardized testing does not truly benefit the students’ learning. Students better absorb learning content through active and engaging classroom instruction. Teachers should not teach to a test. Seminole County students need to learn critical thinking skills to prepare them for the real world.
Recess and Physical Education
It has been proven that children need breaks for their cognitive development. Students sit in their classrooms all day. Allowing them outside during the daytime improves focus and learning. As a mom, Kristine knows children need unstructured time to be kids. Kristine has been a proponent for at least 20 minutes of recess or more and will maintain recess times on the School Board.

Lunch Programs and After School Programs
Kristine believes that no child should go hungry. Students cannot be successful when they are fearing when their next meal will appear. Additionally, after school programs ensure that kids are in a safe, supervised place so their parents are able to continue to work and provide for their families.
School Capacity, Choice, and Effective Planning
Kristine is a strong proponent of school choice in our district. There are many options for our students, including two new Primary years IB programs, Programs of Emphasis and Magnet programs. Kristine is prepared to work with all levels of government toward efficient planning for the future of our schools. Teachers cannot teach or focus attention on their students when classrooms are overfilled. Schools need to plan ahead for how many students are entering the public school system.